Evil sudoku
Evil sudoku

evil sudoku

A “canal ball” usually meant game over if there wasn’t a spare ball or the “canal ball” couldn’t be rescued in a timely fashion. If a foul ball went over the fence AND into the canal, it was an automatic three-outs.

evil sudoku

If a foul ball went over the fence near the guard gates the batter was automatically out. Because of the proximity of the Barge Canal to the Columbus Park baseball field, a couple of other “special rules” came into play. A broken window on Nash’s usually meant a lost ball and the end of the contest, as there were not too many spare balls for replacement. This required the fielding team to place their best fielder directly in front of the large window on Nash’s office and act more like a hockey goalie than a baseball outfielder. Most players could reach this structure with a good hit. Directly across the street from center field was the office of the Nash Fuel and Oil company. The center field home run line was Bellinger Street. In most cases, we didn’t have a spare ball in case something happened to the “game ball.” This fact necessitated a couple of other unique rules. Because there weren’t any sports shops on the South Side, baseballs were pretty scarce. If a runner failed to cross home plate before the ball did, they had to go back to third base. In such a case, they were given the next base. This rule was overlooked if the runner was hit in the head. Therefore, one of the unique rules for South Side baseball was the fact that “killings “were allowed and encouraged by the fielding team. If after getting a hit, the base runner was struck with the ball, they were ruled out. However, this made the distance between second and third resemble a middle-distance event at a high school track meet. The distance between first and second base could be covered in about three giant steps. The “diamond” had some unique dimensions. The batter would pick up the rebounding ball and toss it back to the pitcher. The concrete bandstand located about thirty feet behind home plate served as a fairly efficient backstop for passed balls.

#Evil sudoku full

Because of the geographic location and modified diamond shape of the Columbus Park baseball field, some unique rules had to be made up for “South Side Baseball.” There were never enough players to field two full teams, so the pitcher was also required to cover first base. We all got to play the whole game, and everyone was a “starter.” “First pick” was usually decided by “throwing the bat.” The captain who didn’t get the first pick usually got the next two.

evil sudoku

It didn’t matter if you were picked first or last. About a dozen of us would show up and the appointed captains would choose teams. One activity that you could regularly count on was a hardball game in Columbus Park, usually after supper.

evil sudoku

We had grocery stores, a bakery, candy stores, playgrounds, swimming holes, sledding hills, a dairy, and GARDENS! There wasn’t much need to travel north of the tracks as everything we needed or wanted was on the South Side. Most of the activities that occupied our time took place out of doors on the South Side. If you were sixteen or older, you were considered one of the “older guys” and were looked up to because of your vast worldly experience and for protection from physical harm from the forces of evil that lurked on the other side of the tracks, aka “the north siders.” We all considered each other to be good friends, and most likely one person was and still may be your best friend. The “gang” that terrorized this side of the tracks ranged in age between eight and fifteen years. The following is a partial collection of stories and memories of my experiences as an adolescent in the 1970s on the “South Side.” Some names have been changed to protect the guilty…innocence needs no protection. Many families were cash poor but wealthy beyond belief in the things that really mattered. Most people who grew up there wouldn’t trade their time and experiences for anything. Residents looked out for each other, fed each other, helped raise each other’s kids, and basically loved and respected each other. Growing up on the South Side of Little Falls in the decade of the 70s was a wonderfully unique, cultural, and educational experience.

Evil sudoku